The phyglos Catalog

Getting started

The phyglos Catalog is a BANDIT catalog that contains the necessary bundles of functionality to create and raise a new phySystem.

It also contains other bundles needed to add more functionality to a system, like raising the X Window System and the Xfce Destop Environment or adding other common applications like Emacs, Git, Atom, Firefox, etc.

How to use

This catalog is used with the help of the BANDIT toolkit.

When a new phySystem is being created, the BANDIT uses the phyglos-builder bundle and the phyglos-core bundle from this catalog in order to raise a new TARGET phySystem. This process is done from a HOST system running either phyglos or another supported Linux distribution.

When used to manage system funcionality, the BANDIT can use the rest of the bundles in the catalog to add and manage software packages in the new system. See the BANDIT documentation to learn how to use the BANDIT toolkit with the phyglos Catalog to install and remove bundles and packages in a phySystem.


The phyglos Catalog is in STABLE status. With this catalog the BANDIT can create a new TARGET system and install phyglos in a free disk partition on the HOST system or in a directory ready to create de container image.

In version 1.x, some of the packages are not always kept up to their latest upstream versions. Therefore the phySystem raised vith version 1.x should only be used in development, testing and learning environments.

Version 2.x is updated to latest packages and introduces new changes requiring also version 2.x of the BANDIT to properly raise a new phySystem. This version is in DEVELOPMENT status.

Getting updated

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For version 1.x of the phyglos catalog, the main goals are to provide:

  • a toolchain capable of raising a BUILDER system and a TARGET system.

  • a set of bundles of functionality for a phySystem that can be used by the BANDIT in order to install a basic GNU/Linux operating system

  • a set of bundles capable of raising the X Window System and the Xfce Desktop Environment

  • a set of bundles oriented to engineering and scientific applications.

For version 2.x of the phyglos catalog, the main goals are, mainly:

  • to rewrite catalog and bundles under the BANDIT 2.x specification.

  • to upgrade the system toolchain to newer glibc, gcc, etc.

  • to make Python3 a system scripting language along with Perl5.