The phyglos-builder bundle


The phyglos-builder bundle is used to create the BUILDER system in a HOST system. It is the first bundle raised and the only one used at the HOST system when creating a new phySystem.

This BUILDER system is created before raising the final TARGET system in order to use new, clean tools independent from those of the HOST system. It is not a true crosscompiling system but the process simulates a new architecture, different from the HOST’s one, in order to create a new, clean compiler independent from the HOST system. This new compiler and the rest of the other tools created will be used later to raise the final TARGET system.

This bundle creates a minimal filesystem and compiles, using the HOST compiler, the minimum number of tools necessary to raise the final TARGET system. It is a virtual system in the sense that it is made up of the disk space for the future TARGET system and the computational resources from the HOST system. It can be discarded after a succesfull raise of the TARGET system.


Bundle variables

BUNDLE_SOURCES: This bundle uses the common phyglos group of source packages.

BUNDLE_KEEP_LA: This bundle needs to keep the .la files, so leave the BUNDLE_KEEP_LA variable set to yes.

C++ default ABI

PHY_DEFAULT_LIBSTDCXX_ABI: When using a compiler older than GCC 5.1 it may be necessary to set the default ABI for stdlibc++ to C++98 instead of C++11. See [GCC - Using dual ABI] for details. Leave this value unchanged if unsure.


This variable was used in version 1.x. It is no longer needed for v2.x.