

This handbook provides information on how to build and install a new phySystem, starting from a machine running a supported Linux distribution, namely Debian, Fedora or a previous phySystem. This machine is referred as the HOST system.


Raising a new phySystem performs privileged operations on the HOST system where the final TARGET system is to be built. Any error or misunderstanding while using this information can lead to an unusable HOST system or even potential lost of information.


This documentation is oriented to advanced users capable enough of installing a new operating system on a machine.

In the context of the phy GNU/Linux operating system, someone in the role of installing binary packages or compiling packages from source is called a raiser. On the other hand, someone only interested in running these packages is a user, no matter how complex the configuration and use of these application may be.


By using this information you acknowledge that you are entitled to perform such operations on the HOST system and that you take the necessary steps to backup the existing data at the HOST system. See also the LEGAL NOTICE for more details.