The texlive-core bundle


The texlive-core bundle is used to install the TeX Live documentation system binaries.


This bundle adds the minimun installation with no documentation. To select other the TeX Live schemes rather than the basic scheme or install the documentation see The texlive-deck bundle

It also configures the /etc/profile.d/ script so the PATH variable is set at boot time. However, after just installing the bundle the current sessions do not have these variables updated. Either log in again to get these variables set or source the profile file for the current session:

$ source /etc/profile.d/


Bundle variables

BUNDLE_SOURCES: This bundle uses the latex directory to find the origins from where to get the package.

Home directory

PHY_TEXLIVE_HOME: The directory where the binaries will be installed. By default they are installed in /opt/texlive but can be placed anywhere.